Credit cards make up a sizable element of Citibank's extensive offering of consumer banking products, which spans a broad spectrum of financial services. Citibank offers a wide selection of credit cards with several unique features in dining, shopping, entertainment, domestic and international flight bookings, hotel and vacation bookings, smartphone transactions, fuel, luxury, and more. The Citibank credit cards provide a variety of perks, from instant cashback or discounts to collecting reward points on every purchase. Therefore, Citibank has something in store for you regardless of whether you enjoy watching movies, dining out, or travelling a lot. Go to the login page on www citi com login or the mobile app to access your Citibank credit card account, then enter your username and password in the corresponding boxes. Characteristics of Citibank Credit Cards Zero Annual Fee – Citibank values its consumers. Thus there are no annual fees on any of their credit card offerings. Ac